Thursday 7 September 2017

My mihi

Ko Anita toku mama

Ko Darcy toku papa

Ko Braithe toku teina

Ko Bronwyn Proctor toku kuia

Ko George Proctor toku kaumatua

 Ko Skylah Amanda Robson Proctor toku ingoa

Ko Te rarawa toku iwi

Ko rua iwi te aupouri

Ko te rarawa, ohaki,moerehu,potahi,taeo toku marae

Ko taumatamahui toku maunga

Ko Pomaparie toku kura

The reason I chose to do my mihi is because I wanted you to get a little sneek peek in my life and where I come from. I hope that after reading my mihi it has given you some details about who I am.

Sunday 13 August 2017

Skylah's 5 simile poem

she was speeding as fast as a meerkat.
She zipped out of my way like a flying bat.
As she skated across the concrete she flipped up in the air like a jumping dolphin.
And fell on her backside like a tired horse. That´s why I never speed like a crazy cow.

By Skylah